11 Creative Ways to Use Notebooks

11 ways to use notebooks

Are one of those people who love collecting pretty note books and journals but can’t decide what to write in them? Well, I know I definitely am! I have so many blank books lying around just waiting to be used, but I can never decide what do with them. Usually I end up filling out a few pages then ripping them out because I can’t commit to completing the entire thing… It’s horrible, I know!

However, luckily the internet has saved the day yet again! Today I was browsing through all these inspirational ideas that got me really excited to use notebooks. Notebooks don’t have to be limited to just plain old writing; you can fill them with all kinds of things like photographs, drawings, movie tickets and more!

I really like the idea of keeping records of things so that I can have memories to look back on when I’m older. That’s why today I thought I’d share with you 11 things to do with note books! 😀

1. Keep a photo journal

Have a book that is completely dedicated for your photo memories. Each day, stick in at least one photo and write a little caption about what it is about. One day you’ll be able to visually look back and see what life was like!

Photo via Atelier du Papier

photo journal

2. Make a drawing journal

For all you creative people out there, this one’s for you! Wherever you go, bring a small drawing journal where you can unleash your creativity through messy doodles or intricate designs.

Photo via Lauren Carney Art

drawing journal

3. Keep a travel journal

Whether you’re going on holidays or a local adventure, use this journal to stick all your little souvenirs. This could include train tickets, boarding passes, movie tickets, receipts, maps…

Photo via Emlii

travel journal4. Write a gratitude journal

Simply write a list of all the things you’re grateful for, whether it’d be for the support of your family or the fact that you live close by to a donut shop… Keep adding onto the list whenever you think of something new! When you’re feeling down, it’s always great to read over the things you’re grateful for.

Photo via Rebecca Kelsey

gratitude journal

5. Keep a fitness journal

Having trouble staying healthy (after eating all those delicious waffles, donuts and hot chips…)? Maybe a fitness journal is for you. This is a great way to develop a workout routine, set goals and keep track of your diet.

Photo via: Studio Calico

fitness journal

6. Write a dream journal

This is quite straightforward. As soon as you wake up, try to remember what you dreamed about then write it down. This is good for stimulating your brain in the morning and helps you remember your dreams! (I must admit, I tried doing this once but I could never remember my dreams…)

Photo via Lucid Guide

dream journal

7. Writing a daily diary

Every day, try to at least write a page recapping on your events. This might help you reflect on what happened and is also fun to look back on when you’re older.

Photo via Mag Nation

daily journal

8. Keep a notebook of notes!

Who’d have though to use a notebook for writing notes? I got this idea from the great Leonardo Da Vinci, who kept a book where he jotted down absolutely everything he found interesting. He observed people and things, and filled his notebook with sketches, opinions and ideas. This allowed him to think about them and improve them over time.

Photo via Bryson Moore

leonardo's journal

9. Make a book of ideas

Similar to the previous one, you can use this notebook to write down random thoughts and epiphanies that pop into your brain at any time of the day. You could include things like plots for stories, character names, drawing designs, recipes, DIY ideas and more.

Photo via A Beautiful Mess

ideas journal

10. Write a bucket list

Instead of making lots of short bucket lists, why not write it all down in one note book? Add to it over time and tick things off as you complete them!

Photo via Pork chop and me

bucket list journal

11. Keep a bullet journal 

Here you can keep all your daily lists such as to do lists, shopping lists and upcoming events. Having everything all in one book will make it easier for you to organise your time. 😀

Photo via Life in Limbo

bullet journal

So there you have it – 11 ways you can use note books! Let me know which one’s your favourite. In my opinion, I especially love the photo journal idea.

Anyway, have a wonderful day!


miss caly

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23 thoughts on “11 Creative Ways to Use Notebooks

  1. Hello, I allready tried to make an everyday journal, but it did not worket, because I allways forget to use it! anyways, I will probally try the dream journal! thanks for those ideas! they are so great!!


  2. I have a diary and a photo scrapbook for certain time periods in my life. It is so cool to have the idea to have a dream journal! I would have never even thought to journal my dreams on paper 🙂


  3. This is so cute!!! I never thought notebooks could be made so close to ones heart!!! Great Job Miss Caly…feeling beauty in simple things is an art in itself!!!


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