How to Make Chocolate Coated ‘Fruit Pops’ – Food Friday!

how to make choc coated fruit pops

As a part of this week’s Candy theme and because it’s Food-Friday, I’ve decided to make a ‘healthier’ (but still not so healthy) version of lollipops or popsicles! Today’s ‘Fruit Pops’ I made were inspired by Pinterest, but for most of it I added in my own steps and ingredients since I couldn’t be bothered reading other people’s recipes!

These chocolate coated ‘fruit pops’ are super tasty and are perfect for when you’re craving something sweet (i.e. chocolate coated ice cream). Making lots of these would also be great for parties and even gifts. They’re such an easy and fun thing to make with friends or family.

Keep in mind that in this recipe I froze my bananas, but if you don’t like things frozen, just leave that step out. Whatever floats your boat. 😀

how to make chocolate fruit popsMakes: Around 10 Fruit Pops


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 5 strawberries
  • 100g dark melting chocolate
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • Toppings: crushed cornflakes, popping candy, sprinkles, crushed peanuts, mini M&Ms
  • 10 clean popsticks

Note: Don’t make the mistake I did and use coloured popsticks! The colour will stain the fruit, which isn’t very good to eat…Try to use the basic colourless popsticks instead.


  1. Chop your banana into five pieces and put a popstick into each one. Then, put them in the freezer for 2 to 3 hours. (optional)
  2. Stick the popsticks into the five strawberries.
  3. Break the dark choclate into smaller pieces and put them into a cup or bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of milk to the chocolate.
  4. Put the chocolate in the microwave for 20 seconds then take it out and stir it around. Put it back in the microwave for another 20 seconds and mix it again. Continue to do this until most of the chocolate has melted.
  5. Now it’s time to work fast! Dip your fruit into the chocolate then immediately coat it with the topping. Remember, if the fruit is frozen, the chocolate will harden quite quickly.
  6. Coat all your fruit with chocolate and some toppings.
  7. Optional step: Now that your cup may have leftover chocolate stuck to the edges, it’s time to clean it up. Pour in a little bit of hot water, along with some milk and stir. Enjoy a nice cup of chocolate milk!


Let me know how you like these yummy treats and whether you’ve made them before! They tasted like heaven and I know I’m definitely going to be making more of them very soon.
miss caly

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